Sunday, July 10, 2011

Zelda 30 Day Challenge: Day 4 - Favorite Song

***All music belongs to Nintendo and the re-orchestrated music is provided by Team Zreo***

I have been a very bad Defender of Hyrule, I haven't been keeping up with the blog post as much as I should. Oh well, better late than never, right? haha. Anyways, today's post is all about the music of Zelda and which song is my favorite. Let me tell you, picking just ONE Zelda song is damn near impossible for me because the music of Zelda is one of my favorite parts. So I will be doing a list of my favorite songs from each game. Enjoy ^.^

Legend of Zelda:
Of course I would have to select the original Opening Intro for the opening to the Legend of Zelda, I hear that tune and it just brings a smile to my face.

I also love the music that is played while you are in Death Mountain, the fast beat and the urgency of the music really conveys what the final level of the Legend of Zelda is all about.

Adventure of Link:
Yes I am even going to include music from this game. I actually really like the Boss Battle music to AoL, it's catchy and sets the mood for a fight. Oh, and I AM ERROR!

a Link to the Past:
I absolutely adore LttP, for me it is the highest point of my SNES days and really the first game that got me humming video game tunes. First song up is the Intro Theme to the game, the first time I was blown away and to this day I am impressed by it.

The next song I really liked from LttP was the music that played while you were in the Lost Woods, the music was so mysterious and I could imagine being in those woods, lost and completely mesmerized by that tune.

I also really like the music that plays in Caves in LttP. I don't know why I like it so much, I guess because if there were a soundtrack to life, this would be the music I imagine playing in a cave.

Link's Awakening:
I really liked the Ballad of the Windfish, especially when Marin was singing it and telling Link about it in the animal village. That moment in the game really sticks out to me because it was almost like Marin already knew her fate and you could almost sense the melancholy in her "singing".

Ocarina of Time:
Such a great game with such wonderful music. This will be a tough decision for me, but first and foremost, my favorite Ocarina songs are Bolero of Fire, Serenade of Water, Nocturne of Shadows and Requiem of Spirit. Those four Ocarina songs are so beautifully composed and there tone is perfect for the Temples they are associated to. Bolero of Fire: fiery and fast paced, Serenade of Water: soothing and yet has a hint of melancholy, Nocturne of Shadows: somber and even a little scary and Requiem of Spirit: solemn and ancient.

One of my favorite non-Ocarina songs is Sheik's Theme, there is just something nostalgic and comforting about this song to me, makes me smile when I hear it.

Kaepora Gaebora's Theme just sounds like the music you would hear if you were talking to a wise, old owl, doesn't it? I guess that's the biggest reason I like that song so much.

Majora's Mask:
The first song on the Majora's Mask list is the music that plays when Link wears Kamaro's Mask, mainly because I always get the image of Link doing that funny dance when he wears it, haha.

The next song I like is the Song of Healing, it's a very soothing song and I can imagine all my aches and worries melting away upon hearing Link play it on his Ocarina. I also learned something very interesting about the Song of Healing, apparently it is Saria's Song played backwards.

Oracle of Seasons/Ages:

Maple the Witch's Theme is my favorite song in the Oracle games and the biggest reason I like this song so much is because Maple reminds me of one of my best friends, kinda dark and grumpy, but a softy on the inside and a little clumsy.

Wind Waker:
First of all, Wind Waker is a game that is chock full of beautiful music, I could listen to the Wind Waker OST and never get sick of it. The first song I really love from WW is a remake of a classic Zelda tune, but it was so beautifully reorchestrated, I couldn't help loving Hero of the Winds.

The next song is so beautiful and heartbreaking that I can't help but get a little choked up when I hear it, Farewell Hyrule King is another remake of a Zelda classic. It is such a gorgeous piece of music and when I hear it, I always thing back to the King of Hyrule saying goodbye to Link and Tetra and Link trying to grab the King's hand before being swept away by the downpour of the ocean...I need a minute now T.T

There seems to be a theme going on here with my favorite WW songs, remakes and Zelda's Awakening is no exception. It's the intro theme to LttP and since that was a favorite of mine from early on, it only makes sense that I would love the wonderful remastered version.

Here are a couple of bonus sound effects that ALWAYS make me laugh:
Thank Yooouuu!!

Minish Cap:
Apparently Minish Cap is carrying on the remake theme as well with Cloud Tops, haha

Twilight Princess:
Twilight Princess is a Zelda game that has nothing but beautiful music, but I have three absolute favorites. My first favorite the music when you are in the Sacred Grove. It is a hauntingly beautiful remake of the Lost Woods theme from Ocarina of Time and I absolutely LOVE this song.

One song that I could listen to and just lay back and relax is the Lake Hylia music, it's so calming and serene that it just makes me picture Link on the banks fishing.

The song that I would make me automatically think of adventure is definitely Hyrule Field Theme from TP. This song just oozes adventure with every note that is played!

Phantom Hourglass:
Linebeck has become a favorite character of mine and because of that, I have chosen his theme as my favorite song from PH. His theme is suppose to sound like a daring explore and it does to a certain extend, but really the music sounds like it takes itself a little too seriously and that's impression I get of Linebeck.

Spirit Tracks:
Is it weird that my favorite song from ST isn't actually IN the game? Probably, but none the less, I love the music from the trailer for ST.

Well those are my choices, leave me some comments down at the bottom about your favorite Zelda music.

Defender of Hyrule out....


  1. I like how your sign out makes me think "Peace, homieeeee." Hahaha.

    Okay. I totally forgot about Majora's Mask, so I'll add mine here: all the music from the West quadrant of the world, Stone Tower Temple and such, and the Song of Healing is also my favorite, especially whenever it's being played inside the clock tower. I always love the 3rd Night, the music that plays, so hopeless and desolate, Can Link save the world?? Yes! He plays the Oath to Order! My next favorite song!

    I want to play Minish cap!! :( :( Hahaha

  2. ...I guess I like the fairy fountain theme, too. >_>
